Infinity X: Отчеты
Infinity X: Сценарии IVR (голосовое меню)
Infinity X: Кампании в call-центре
FAQ по кампаниям
Повторный контакт Как в сценарии диалога сделать проверку - заполнено ли поле и что в нем, в зависимости от этого строить дальнейший диалог? Как организовать инструмент База знаний? Как удалить записи из таблицы кампании посредством прямого обращения в базу? Как изменить вопросы которые отображаются оператору в рамках сценария диалога? Какой тип данных необходимо установить полю которое будет содержать номер телефона? Как в рамках сценария диалога осуществить перевод текущего звонка, без обращения к дополнительным инструментами оператора Какой порядок работ по созданию кампании с использованием внешней БД? Как открыть внешний браузер в рамках сценария диалога? Как указать несколько исходящих маршрутов в кампаниях Как настроить кнопки в кампании Опишите пожалуйста расшифровку кодов состояния звонка в кампании Как при использовании кампаний открывать WEB-форму или гиперссылку в браузере? И в чем отличие? Как изменить параметр кампании через сценарий? Как сделать копию кампании вместе со сценарием диалога? Добавили новые столбцы в проект существующей кампании, в карточке они отображаются, в таблице нет. Как исправить? Как мне в рамках сценария диалога, в подсказке, вывести имя текущего оператора? Как организовать автоматический запуск исходящей кампании в ежедневном режиме с 9.00 до 19.00?
Infinity X: Установка и настройка
Infinity X: Описание типов рабочих мест
Рабочее место оператора call-центра
Телефонная платформа Infinity 4(устарело)
Сущности вызов, соединение и сеанс Какие порты нужно открыть для подключения IP-телефонов? Как использовать ключ защиты, установленный на другом компьютере? Каким образом можно самостоятельно диагностировать причину возникновения проблемы с потоком Е1 на основании лога сервера телефонии? Как сбросить пароль Администратора Infinity Contact-Center 4 Как зарезервировать порт, чтобы предупредить возникновение ситуации, когда данный порт заняло другое ПО? Мы суммируем статистические данные из разных таблиц, однако значения получаем разные. В чем может быть причина? После установки Infinity не запускается панель управления. В чем может быть проблема? При использовании модуля распределенных серверов возникает односторонняя слышимость (либо дополнительный сервер не запускается). В чем может быть проблема? Какие порты необходимы для полноценной работы Infinity 4? Как перенести все Лог- файлы на другой диск? Как разбить на части файлы trace? Можно ли настроить автоматическую подстановку случайного А-номера при исходящем звонке? Почему при создании нового IP-узла (Рабочее место администратора -> Оборудование -> IP-узлы Н.323, SIP) он не появляется во вкладке Интеллектуальная АТС -> IP-узлы Н.323, SIP? Прошивка ключа Sentinel Расшифровка статусов звонков в таблице M_Calls Почему при запуске серверной части Infinity с помощью утилиты "Управление сервером" при нажатии кнопки "Подключиться" выдается "Состояние: Ошибка подключения" Почему при наборе номера с рабочего места слышны три коротких гудка, после чего происходит отбой, и софтфон переходит в состояние Готов? Как перевести звонок на внешнего абонента? Почему при запуске клиентского приложения возникает надпись "Софтфон не назначен"? При разговоре оператора с абонентом периодически раздается характерный звук, как его убрать и что это такое? Что делать, если при установке на win 7 и win 2008 библиотеки не регистрируются в автоматическом режиме? Как улучшить качество звука на Windows Vista? По каким причинам при входящем звонке может не определяться номер звонящего абонента? Какие существуют способы интеграции АТС и «Infinity IP 4»? По какому префиксу отправляются СМС-сообщения? Как привязать IP -телефон к рабочему месту? Где и зачем устанавливается эмуляция flash? Не получается зарегистрировать БД FireBird. Сервер «Infinity IP АТС» не запускается, какие меры необходимо предпринять? Для чего используется Альтернатива Кода "2" в основных параметрах интеллектуальной АТС Что означает галочка не удерживать абонента при повторном нажатии Flash? После установки платы Ольха. Выключаем компьютер, а он перезапускается. Какие действия необходимо произвести для устранения данной неполадки? Для чего необходим параметр Формат передаваемого номера? Необходимо использовать определенное устройство для выхода в город. Какую дополнительную настройку необходимо произвести в исходящих маршрутах? Что будет если данную настройку не производить? В интеллектуальной АТС присутствует пункт абоненты АТС, чем они отличаются от других абонентов АТС не внесенных в этот список? Где производится привязка IP абонента определенному рабочему месту? В графе оборудование сервера телефонии указано 2 серверных IP-адреса, что это означает? Что означают значения префикс и Постфикс в свойствах устройств, и для чего они используются? Как изменить путь к БД? Провайдер потока Е1 поставляет только 12 линий из 30. Какие настройки в «Infinity IP АТС» необходимо произвести? По непонятной причине иногда отключаются некоторые сервера (например ServerT). В чем может быть причина? Как определить были ли разрывы соединения TCP? Неожиданно перестал запускаться сервер. В логе пишет что срок действия ключа закончен, однако по нашим данным ключ пока должен работать. В чем может быть причина? После проверки базы данных Firebird на ошибки с помощью инструмента Database Validation ошибок не найдено Гарантирует ли это что база данных не содержит ошибок? В настройках IP-абонентов есть галочка "Запретить одновременные звонки". Для чего она необходима? При установке был создан пользователь БД INFINITYUSER. Возможно ли изменять его имя и пароль? У нас у каждого внутреннего номера есть параметр переадресации звонка на мобильный при занятости. Почему данный параметр не срабатывает при входящем звонке? У нас в наличии имеется АТС и «Infinity IP АТС», номерной план на АТС и «Infinity IP АТС» будет отличаться как сделать так чтобы не создавать все номера абонентов АТС в «Infinity IP АТС», для возможности позвонить на любой номер из различных номерных пуло У меня стоит сервер Windows 2003 64x, в интерфейсе Infinity вместо русских символов отображаются знаки вопросов, как это исправить? Как определить, что звонок звонил более N секунд и оператор не взял трубку? Как сделать так что бы при звонке с мобильного в call-центр тарификация абонента начиналась не с поднятия трубки call-центром, а с ответа оператора? По какой причине могут возникать проблемы с качеством связи(заикания, пропадает голос, трески в записи разговоров и т.д.) Можно ли изменить путь к записанным разговорам на отличный от заданного по умолчанию и как это сделать? Вместо русских символов отображаются знаки вопросов Вывести имя текущего оператора NAT Тарификация с момента коммутации Некоторые детали SIP Причины отбоя в потоке E1

Причины отбоя в потоке E1

Для анализа причин отбоя звонка через поток E1 используется  следующий алгоритм.

Необходимо открыть файл с расширенным логированием InfinityST.log и найти нужный звонок по номеру телефона.  Затем найти ID линии: Uid=1001 и продолжить поиск по ID линии.

Находим строчку вида:

06.05.2010: 16:36:48.987: Olha: OnE1Release Cause=41=0x29 H=1 HD=1 HU=0; Uid=1001 R=0 C=0 O=1 I=0 Thread=2656

В таблице ошибок Е1 ищем причину согласно выданной ошибке и передаем провайдеру для выяснения причин такой ситуации.


ISDN Cause Codes


Cause No. 1 - Unallocated (Unassigned) Number

This cause indicates that the destination requested by the calling user cannot be reached because,

although the number is in a valid format, it is not currently assigned.


Cause No. 2 - No Route To Specified Transit Network

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request to route the call through

a particular transit network, which it does not recognize. The equipment sending this cause does not

recognize the transit network either because the transit network does not exist or because that particular

transit network, while it does exist, does not serve the equipment, which is sending this cause.


Cause No. 3 - No Route To Destination

This cause indicates that the called party cannot be reached because the network through which the call

has been routed does not serve the destination desired. This cause is supported on a network dependent



Cause No. 4 - Send Special Information Tone (Five One Zero NT)

This cause indicates that the called party cannot be reached for reasons that are of a long term nature and

that the special information tone should be returned to the calling party.


Cause No. 5 - Misdialed Trunk Prefix

This cause indicates the erroneous inclusion of a trunk prefix in the called party number. This number is

supposed to be stripped from the dialed number being sent to the network by the customer premises



Cause No. 6 - Channel Unacceptable

This cause indicates that the channel most recently identified is not acceptable to the sending party for

use in this call.


Cause No. 7 - call awarded, being delivered in an established channel

This cause indicates that the user has been awarded the incoming call, and that the incoming call is being

connected to a channel already established to that user for similar calls (e.g. packet-mode x.25 virtual



Cause No. 8 - Preemption

This cause indicates the call is being preempted.


Cause No. 9 - Preemption - Circuit Reserved For Reuse

This cause indicates that the call is being preempted and the circuit is reserved for reuse by the

preempting exchange.


Cause No. 16 - Normal Call Clearing

This cause indicates that the call is being cleared because one of the users involved in the call has

requested that the call be cleared.



Cause No. 16/4 or 17 - User Busy

This cause is used when the called user has indicated the inability to accept another call. This cause may

code may be generated by the called user or by the network. Please note that the use equipment is

compatible with the call.


Cause No. 16/3 or 18 - No User Responding

This cause is used when a called party does not respond to a call establishment message with either an

alerting or connect indication within the prescribed period of time allocated (in Q.931 by the expiry of

either time T303 or T310).


Cause No. 19 - No Answer From User (User Alerted)

This cause is used when a user has provided an alerting indication but has not provided a connect

indication within a prescribed period of time. Note: This cause is not necessarily generated by the

customer premise equipment, but may be generated by internal network timers.


Cause No. 20 - Subscriber Absent

This cause value is used when a mobile station has logged off, radio contact is not obtained with a

mobile station or if a personal telecommunication user is temporarily not addressable at any user-network



Cause No. 21 - Call Rejected

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not wish to accept this call, although it

could have accepted the call because the equipment sending this cause is neither busy nor incompatible.

This cause may also be generated by the network, indicating that the call was cleared due to a

supplementary service constraint. The diagnostic field may contain additional information about the

supplementary service and reason for rejection.


Cause No. 22 - Number Changed

This cause is returned to a calling party when the called party number indicated by the calling party is no

longer assigned. The new called party number may optionally be included in the diagnostic field. If the

network does not support this cause, cause no: 1, unallocated (unassigned) will be used instead.


Cause No. 26 - Non-Sel ected User Clearing

This cause indicates that the user has not been awarded the incoming call.


Cause No. 27 - Destination Out Of Order

This cause indicates that the destination cannot be reached because the interface to the destination is not

functioning correctly. The signaling message was unable to be delivered de to a hardware failure.


Cause No. 28 - Invalid Number Format (Address Incomplete)

This cause indicates that the called party cannot be reached because the called party number is not in a

valid format or is not complete.


Cause No. 29 - Facilities Rejected

This cause is returned when a facility requested by the user cannot be provide by the network.

TANDBERG An Introduction to ISDN


Cause No. 30 - Response To Status Inquiry

This cause is included in the STATUS message when the reason for generating the STATUS message

was the prior receipt of a STATUS ENQUIRY.


Cause No. 31 - Normal, Unspecified

This cause is used to report a normal event only when no other cause in the normal class applies.


Cause No. 34 - No Circuit/Channel Available

This cause indicates that there is no appropriate circuit/channel presently available to handle the call.

Note: If you receive this call, try another data-service, such as dropping from a 64K to 56K data rate.


Cause No. 35 - Call Queued

This cause indicates that the call has been queued for service by the next available device.


Cause No. 38 - Network Out Of Order

This cause indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the conditions are likely to last

a relatively long period of time. A call that is attempted soon afterwards will most likely not connect



Cause No. 39 - Permanent Frame Mode Connection Out-Of-Service

This cause is included in a STATUS message to indicate that a permanently established frame mode

connection is out-of-service (e.g. due to equipment or section failure) [see Annex A/Q.933]


Cause No. 40 - Permanent Frame Mode Connection Operational

This cause is included in a STATUS message to indicate that a permanently established frame mode

connection is operational and capable of carrying user information. [see Annex A/Q.933]


Cause No. 41 - Temporary Failure

This cause indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition is not likely to

last a very long period of time. A call that is attempted almost immediately afterwards will most likely

connect successfully.


Cause No. 42 - Switching Equipment Congestion

This cause indicates that the switching equipment generating this cause is experiencing a period of high



Cause No. 43 - Access Information Discarded

This cause indicates that the network could not deliver access information, low layer compatibility, high

layer compatibility, or sub-address as indicated in the diagnostic.


Cause No. 44 - Requested Circuit/Channel Not Available

This cause is returned when the circuit or channel indicated by the requesting entity cannot be provided

by the other side of the interface.


Cause No. 46 - Precedence Call Blocked

This cause indicates that there are no preemptable circuits or that the called user is busy with a call of

equal or higher preemptable level.

TANDBERG An Introduction to ISDN


Cause No. 47 - Resource Unavailable, Unspecified

This cause is used to report a resource unavailable event only when no other cause in the resource

unavailable class applies.


Cause No. 49 - Quality Of Service Not Available

This cause is used to report that the requested Quality of Service cannot be provided (delay canít be



Cause No. 50 - requested facility not subscribed

This cause indicates that the requested supplementary service could not be provided due to user

oversight. This cause code is often caused by the CPE being configured for the wrong switch type.


Cause No. 52 - outgoing calls barred

This cause indicates that because of call screening provided by the network, the calling user is not

permitted to make a call.


Cause No. 53 - Outgoing Calls Barred Within CUG

This cause indicates that although the calling party is a member of the CUG for the outgoing CUG call,

outgoing calls are not allowed for this member of the CUG.


Cause No. 54 - incoming calls barred

This cause indicates that the called user will not accept the call delivered in the SETUP message.


Cause No. 55 - Incoming Calls Barred Within CUG

This cause indicates that although the calling party is a member of the CUG for the incoming CUG call,

incoming calls are not allowed for this member of the CUG.


Cause No. 57 - Bearer Capability Not Authorized

This cause indicates that the user has requested a bearer capability, which is implemented by their

equipment but the user is not authorized to use.


Cause No. 58 - Bearer Capability Not Presently Available

This cause indicates that the user has requested a bearer capability, which is implemented by the

equipment which generated this cause but which is not available at this time.


Cause No. 62 - Inconsistency In Outgoing Information Element

This cause indicates an inconsistency in the designated outgoing access information and subscriber class


Cause No. 63 - Service Or Option Not Available, Unspecified

This cause is used to report a service or option not available event only when no other cause in the

service or option not available class applies.


Cause No. 65 - Bearer Capability Not Implemented

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the bearer capability



Cause No. 66 - Channel Type Not Implemented

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the channel type requested


Cause No. 69 - Requested Facility Not Implemented

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the requested supplemental



Cause No. 70 - Only Restricted Digital Information Bearer Capability

Is Available

This cause indicates that on equipment has requested an unrestricted bearer service but that the

equipment sending the cause only supports the restricted version of the requested bearer capability.


Cause No. 79 - Service Or Option Not Implemented, Unspecified

This cause is used to report a service r option not implemented but only when no other cause in this class



Cause No. 81 - Invalid Call Reference Value

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a call reference,

which is not currently in use on the user-network interface.


Cause No. 82 - Identified Channel Does Not Exist

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request to use a channel not

activated on the interface for a call. For example, if the user only subscribed to channels 1 to 12 and

channel 13 through 23 is requested by either side, this cause is generated.


Cause No. 83 - A Suspended Call Exists, But This Call Identify Does


This cause indicates that a call resume has been attempted with a call identity, which differs fr om that in

use for any presently suspended call(s).


Cause No. 84 - Call Identity In Use

This cause indicates that the network has received a call resume request. The call resume request

contained a call identity information element, which presently does not indicate any suspended call

within the domain of interfaces over which calls may be resumed.


Cause No. 85 - No Call Suspended

This cause indicates that the network has received a call resume request containing a Call identity

information element, which presently does not indicate any suspended call within the domain of

interfaces over which calls may be resumed.


Cause No. 86 - Call Having The Requested Call Identity Has Been


This cause indicates that the network has received a call resume request. The request contained a call

identity information element which once indicated a suspended call, however, that the call was cleared

while suspended (either a network time-out or remote user).


Cause No. 87 - User Not A Member Of CUG

This cause indicates that the called user for the incoming CUG call is not a member of the specified CUG

or that the calling user is an ordinary subscriber calling a CUG subscriber.


Cause No. 88 - Incompatible Destination

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request to establish a call,

which has low layer compatibility, high layer compatibility, or other compatibility attributes (e.g. data

rate) which cannot be accommodated.


Cause No. 90 - Non-Existent CUG

This cause indicates that the specified CUG does not exist.


Cause No. 91 - Invalid Transit Network Selection

This cause indicates that a transit network identification was received which is of an incorrect format as

defined in Annex C/Q.931


Cause No. 95 - Invalid Message, Unspecified

This cause is used to report an invalid message event only when no other cause in the invalid class



Cause No, 96 - Mandatory Information Element Is Missing

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message, which is missing an

information element which must be present in the message before that message can be processed.


Cause No. 97 - Message Type Non-Existent Or Not Implemented

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a message type it

does not recognize either because this is a message not defined of defined but not implemented by the

equipment sending this cause.


Cause No. 98 - Message Not Compatible With Call State Or Message

Type Non-Existent Or Not Implemented

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message such that the

procedures do not indicate that this is a permissible message to receive while in the call state, or a

STATUS message was received indicating an incompatible call state.


Cause No. 99 - Information Element / Parameter Non-Existent Or Not


This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message which includes

information element(s)/parameter(s) not recognized because the information element(s)/parameter

name(s) are not defined or are defined but not implemented by the equipment sending the cause. This

cause indicates that the information element(s)/parameter(s) were discarded. However, the information

element is not required to be present in the message in order for the equipment sending the cause to

process the message.


Cause No. 100 - Invalid Information Element Contents

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received and information element which it

has implemented; however, one or more fields in the information elements are coded in such a way

which has not been implemented by the equipment sending this cause.


Cause No. 101 - Message Not Compatible With Call State

This cause indicates that a message has been received which is incompatible with the call state.


Cause No. 102 - Recovery On Timer Expiry

This cause indicates that a procedure has been initiated by the expiry of a timer in association with Q.931

error handling procedures.


Cause No. 103 - Parameter Non-Existent Or Not Implemented -

Passed On

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message, which includes

parameters not recognized because the parameters are not defined or are defined but not implemented by

the equipment sending this cause.


Cause No. 110 - Message With Unrecognized Parameter Discarded

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has discarded a received message, which

includes a parameter that is not recognized.


Cause No. 111 - Protocol Error, Unspecified

This cause is used to report a protocol error event only when no other cause in the protocol error class



Cause No. 127 – Interworking, Unspecified

This cause indicates that there has been interworking with a network which does not provide cause codes

for its actions. The precise cause for a message being sent is not known.


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